• Home Assistant integration for SMA PV system

    Earlier this year I’ve finally had a photovoltaic system installed in/on our house, and while three months later we still aren’t allowed to turn it on thanks to German bureaucracy, it does provide another playground for home automation integration. This should be easy, right? Our installation uses components from a...

  • Using my own container registry

    This will be a short update - just to be consistent about where I describe my configuration gimmicks if I ever need to look things up in the future :-) The problem that is solved in this article is the fact that the Docker Hub free tier only allows hosting...

  • Backing up a nextcloud file share via webdav

    The first question after having set up a NAS: what could we use it for? Mine is already running a timemachine server, but that’s barely making a dent in the disk space utilization of the system. Well, the one entity that stores almost all of our pictures, music, documents, and...

  • NAS setup with an Argon EON

    Looks like I am on a kind of ‘Argon run’ this quarter: since I upgraded the Argon One case to run off an M.2 drive, due to a stroke of lucky timing I managed to get an Argon Eon NAS case at a very fair price point - looking at...

  • Migrating a Raspi setup to USB/SATA

    My home IT infrastructure currently runs off a single trusty Raspberry Pi 4B - that’s around 30 containerized apps from DNS filter/proxy, Home Assistant et al for home automation, document management system, to printer proxy, vehicle data logger, and more. The Pi is an amazingly good fit for this purpose,...

  • Nextcloud CLI shell script

    With the recent instantiation of my simple scanning station, there is now another data sink in my home network that wants backup. And in the case of the docspell database, we’re looking at quite relevant data, so a backup definitely is called for. Where backups are concerned I am partial...

  • Simple Scanning Station

    Mostly out of Corona-induced boredom I decided I wanted a document scanning pipeline to get any relevant paperwork into a document management system like doscpell, with as little effort (both cost-wise and from a UX perspective) as possible. So I built a simple and hands-off scanning station with my raspberry...

  • 3 Mac keyboards

    Quick interlude: the Apple keyboard love seems to go both ways. A couple of weeks ago, the keyboard of the barely 2 months old M1 Macbook Pro died. Just like that - no keypresses registered any more, backlight off, rebooting etc didn’t to anything. The touchpad continued to funtion normally,...